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Facts, Not Opinions.

Fragmentation is a fact. Fragmentation is also a force for good.

In complex markets, where outlet universes are measured in the tens and even hundreds of thousands of outlets, superior Go-to-Market execution creates lasting value for suppliers.

These hundreds of thousands of outlets provide the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of families, too.
Embracing fragmentation enables these ecosystems to thrive. It also means a more equitable distribution of value,
deep into the capillaries of local communities.

Historically, suppliers have relied on push-driven approaches: sell into wholesale and make the month.

This approach is fast becoming obsolete: where one operator disrupts the market by creating pull from the total universe, all others have a simple choice: follow or fail. Essence to the power of execution unleashes limited operational resources to deliver that pull, measurably and sustainably, day in day out, creating true frontline effectiveness.

Create order, where others only see chaos

Whether for continuous improvement or for transformation, our process is an iterative virtuous continuum anchored on an applied and practical scientific approach, driven by a team of experienced professionals.

Pare down to the essence

We apply the science of fractionating Big Data to make it accessible to the front line, condensing to key performance areas; whilst applying experience to then distil it to the core: simple, straightforward insights, actionable by real people in the real world.

Big Data Distillation

As raw material for this distillation process serves terabytes of data already available, whether they are internal sources (e.g. transactional SKU-to-store sales), or external (e.g. retail panel). The data from these sources is cleaned, structured and integrated industrially, before being distilled.

Once distilled, the process of translating the insights into clear, simple action plans and tasks is anchored on co-creation and collaboration with the client team. The update frequencies are fit-for-purpose, ranging from real-time to daily, weekly and monthly. This is at the heart of the Correlaction ‘How’.


Actionable insight generation

It is easy to find it when you know what you’re looking for. With our experience and expertise, we are able to identify the true insights effectively, and can spend the time ensuring these insights are embraced by the team, and thus embedded in the business.

Capability building through action learning

Insights are only as valuable as the results of the actions taken on their basis. We work with our clients to coach team members on defining the action needed to drive the desired result. This, ‘on the ground “learn” by “doing” approach’ is a key part of our methodology.